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History Toolkit for History Skills in the Social Sciences

By | Copyright Year:2017 | ISBN-13: 9780170389334

This revised edition brings full colour and new units on topics such as graphs and maps, diagrams and tables, stats and key Maori history terms.

Students with history skills are always in demand by those hiring in the workforce. Employers want people who know how to think and how to prepare, present and evaluate their thinking. The New Zealand Curriculum recognises that all students should have the opportunity to develop such essential skills. Developing these skills forms the background for each of the 65 units in this book.

Each unit (listed under Contents) is a guide and practice for understanding, how to, knowing, recognising, and interpreting. Each unit demystifies terminology and introduces or re-introduces students to terms such as evidence, discerning, perspective, and inquiry.

Each of the 65 units is a stand-alone unit but all link together to provide a tool kit of essential knowledge and skills for students at any level who will complete their work in the book by owning knowledge about values and issues, using language, managing self and engaging with the local, national and international communities.


Understanding what history means
Understanding what historical information is
Understanding where history happens
Understanding social history
Knowing the 5 Ws and H of history
Understanding oral history
Understanding local community
How create oral history
Knowing about artefacts
Understanding what sources are
Knowing the difference between primary and secondary sources
Understanding what statistics are
Using diagrams
Interpreting tables
Recognising graphs
Understanding historical maps
How to create captions
Recognizing key Maori history terms
How to answer multi-choice questions on a source
How to answer short answer questions on a source
How to make sure you answer the question
How to use right writing
How to create a paragraph
How to create a history essay
How to show quotations
How to present a bibliography
How to make a glossary
How to be discerning
How to use evidence
How to use oral historical evidence
How to use written historical evidence
How to use visual historical evidence
How to analyse historical cartoons
How to use performance historical evidence
How to use appropriate format and style
How to analyse historical photographs and posters
How to recognise setting
Recognising historical context
Understanding perspective
How to get into role
Understanding a movement
Understanding a social force
Understanding action
Knowing historical conventions
How to be relevant
How to recognise bias
How to recognise ambiguity
How to distinguish between fact and opinion
How to avoid anachronisms
Understanding chronology
How to prepare an obituary
How to use a timeline
How to measure time
Understanding the importance of key
How to make a storyboard
Understanding historical issues
How to take notes
Understanding what a historical investigation is
How to define areas of inquiry for a historical investigation
How to create focusing questions for a historical investigation
How to gather and select historical information
How to organise historical information
How to rank historical information
How to evaluate historical information


Ruth Naumann is an experienced Social Studies teacher and the author of numerous social studies publications.


Aims to show that history informs the present and the future.

Aims to explain and simplify the main technical terminology and ideas used in the study of history.

Aims to provide scope for discussion with Activities, which ask for personal responses rather than closed answers.

Aims to enhance knowledge, skills and experience in basic themes such as: > Events and issues > Cause and effect > People and places > Communities and nations > Continuity and change > Identity and organisation.


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